Page 4 - INHA SQUARE 2016
P. 4
Installation of the THAAD
in South Korea
Reporter: Shin Jaegyeong, Lee Minheon
Korean government determined to install the
THAAD(Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) in Korea to
protect the country and its people from the evolving nuclear
and missile threats of North Korea. However, there are still
pros and cons about the installation of the THAAD.
China and Russia always keep an eye on the Northeast Asian
military policy of the United States. This situation could be
partly solved by deploying the THAAD.
Residents of Seongju, a town in North Gyeongsang
<Pros> Province, are protesting the planned deployment of the
The reasons for approving the deployment of the THAAD can THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) system in
be broken down into several parts. their town. They fear the military installation may put their
First, some people claim that deploying the THAAD in communities in danger and demand the retraction of the
South Korea cannot prevent short range missiles from decision to deploy THAAD in their locality.
attacking South Korean territories. However, it can block First, THAAD's radar is very powerful and the exposure
long range missiles from North Korea to the United States. to its electromagnetic radiation could cause serious harm to
Some citizens in South Korea may claim that it is a waste of nearby residents and could contaminate agricultural crops.
money for deploying the THAAD only to protect the United Such systems are normally stationed away from populated
States. However, if you look at the problem with a different areas to minimize their impact on people. For a system like
view, you can admit that protecting the saftey of the United the THAAD to be harmless to humans, it must be placed
States will eventually help the peace and safety of South dozens or even hundreds of kilometers away. Some experts
Korean people. We should remember that two countries explain that it causes severe pain and vomiting within a 100
already have a close military alliance and the military to 500 meter radius of the THAAD.
force of United States is always be a great help to us. Two Second, the installation of the THAAD can decrease the
countries should preventing nuclear cost of land in the region
bombs before they are launched. where it is placed. The
Second, the deployment of the lands where the residents
THAAD could give pressure against live are their main property.
China and Russia, which are posing So it is wrong to deploy the
passive acts against North Korea. THAAD without agreement
Refering to the recent sanctions between Korean government
submitted to the United Nations about and residents. So Korean
facing North Korea, it can be seen that government should decide
China and Russia are partly showing installing the THAAD based
passive acts when handling North on the opinions of Seongju
Korea's nuclear armament. In addition, Citizens.