Page 5 - INHA SQUARE 2016
P. 5
The Unforgettable Memory
in my Life
# A tragedy which happened on April # It was sometime when I was in
16th, 2014 became my unforgettable 2nd grade of elementary school that
memory. A ship going to Jeju Island I had my unforgettable memory.
disappeared beneath the vast sea, ever My Dad, my brother and I often
to reach land again. 304 people died and hiked Munhak Mountain back then.
nine of them are still missing to this day. But I can remember that it was
If you ask me what I was doing back just another typical day. However,
then, the answer is this; I did nothing. it still live in my memory vividly
And I am very shameful about it. I just because red and yellow covered the
watched, feeling hopeless, and wondering mountain. Also, a pleasant crisp
'what kind of men would let this happen?' smell filled the air.
All of this happened because the captain Me and my brother, we held each
let the boat exceed its cargo capacity. He hand of our father's, chatting
shouldn't have bitten off more than he can chew. and jabbering about this and that as we hiked. As we had
But the point is not about how much money was wasted, reached the top and descended the mountain, we spotted a
but how many people have been harmed by the government's huge vacant lot which was filled with colorful leaves. It was
poor policy, which just let the society fragile to disasters. hard to resist the temptation to plunge in and play. So we
Let me show you a parable. Imagine a beautiful temple. As did. We threw leaves at each other as if they were snow.
for what you have imagined, the time will come when not It was fun and though the weather was chilly, my heart
one stone will be left on another, every one of them will be was full of warmth. It's just a fraction of my childhood, and
thrown down. However, the dignity of men lasts forever. The it's not splendid. But men holds what one has experienced
problem is that the captain and the government decided to with one's loved one in ordinary life most dearly. The same
choose the temple, which would lie in ruins in the future. applies to me.
I cannot forget this incidence which just crushed the dignity When I remember this memory every now and then, it still
of men into nothingness. Whoever caused this incident gives me comfort and happiness. So it's a memory I would
should be punished, we should never forget this tragedy. never forget.
We also should lend our hands or those who lost their loved
ones. 20803 Kim Daehan
20303 Kim Minkook
My Unforgettable Trip to America
The Most memorable place among trips I have experienced and the campus was nice as well. I also went a lot of tourist
is the United States. At winter vacation of the third grade in attractions. Especially, I cannot forget the streets and the
the middle school, I have been to the U.S. with 21 students nice night view of Las Vegas.
who were recruited from 'Suseo Youth At first, going to an unfamiliar place
Center', located in Seoul, and 2 youth was somehow burdensome and worried.
instructor for 10 days. But, these worries were naturally
My mom often recommended disappeared through having the trip
me to visit foreign universities, with friends, and I even felt the time
so I decided to go there. I visited was short. If I have a chance again, I
famous universities such as UCLA, would like to go to the United States
UC Berkeley, Stanford. Among and its tourist attractions with my
them, Stanford University was family.
the most memorable. The church
in the university, which is called 10631 Choi Joongmyung
'Memorable Church', was impressive
English Newspaper of High School Attached to the Educational College of Inha University